Jane’s Walk is an annual event that takes place in the city of Ottawa, Canada and is part of a global movement of citizen-led walking tours that celebrate the ideas and legacy of urbanist Jane Jacobs. The event is named after Jacobs, who was an urbanist, writer, and activist, and who championed a people-centred approach to urban planning and design.
It is organized by a group of volunteers who are passionate about the city and its neighbourhoods. The event usually takes place over a weekend in May and features a series of free walking tours led by local volunteers. The walks explore different neighbourhoods and themes, including urban design, history, culture, and ecology.
Participants have the opportunity to learn about the history and culture of the city, as well as to engage in conversations about its future.
Jane’s Walk Ottawa is a community-driven event that seeks to promote active citizenship and engagement in the city’s development. It encourages people to connect with their neighbourhoods, learn from one another, and work together to build more livable and sustainable cities.
This year’s dates: Saturday & Sunday, May 4-5, 2024.
NOTE: Jane’s Walk was founded in Toronto in 2006 by a group of Jane Jacobs’ friends and colleagues as a way to honor her life and activate her ideas: https://janeswalk.org/cities/
More information here: https://www.janeswalkottawa.ca/en/walks/current